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Bible Sunday - Worship Fusion


Streams of Worship leaders Rachel Barclay and Elspeth Haynes led the Bible Sunday worship this week and everyone really enjoyed the interactive service with opportunities to talk about the Bible and peoples' favourite Bible verses. The service was informal and had a very relaxed atmosphere with families, faith and fun enjoyed, whilst learning more about the Bible.

Image by stempow from Pixabay

Bible Society resources were used throughout the service and discussions about the lectionary reading of the story of Zaccheus (Luke 19:vv1-10) which focussed on the endurance of Zaccheus to climb the tree and ensure that he could see and hear Jesus.

Making the effort to read the Bible and to discover more about God and His Son, Jesus is at the core of Christian believers life of faith.

Bible Society resources can be found online here

The service was recorded and a technical issue is preventing this being shared online as there is no sound on the recorded video. Volunteer technicians have identified the cause after the service concluded and apologise for the settings error that prevented the sound being recorded.

The order of service is provided below together with links to videos of the hymns that were included in the service.

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