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Trinity Sunday

This Sunday the worship service will begin at 10:30am and is available to attend in person or online. The service will be recorded and an edited video will be available in a few days time if you are not able to attend on the day.

The worship service will be led by local preacher Sheila Billings. We are really excited to welcome her to lead her first service in the Mid Derbyshire circuit this Trinity Sunday.

This service will be followed by our Picnic in the park.

The instructions for joining online from 10:15am are provided below together with the order of service which is made available to follow.

Online offertory can be accessed here

Order of Service:

Welcome /notices/etc: Steward

In the beginning….(Genesis 1-2:4a)

Prayer of adoration

STF 82: O Lord my God

Prayer of confession

Telling the story: The Trinity

STF 11: Holy holy holy

CYP leave

Reading: Matthew 28: 16-20


STF 404: God’s spirit is in my heart

Prayers of intercession

Lord’s Prayer

Receiving the offertory

Prayer of thanksgiving

Reading: 2 Corinthians 13: 11-16

STF 186: Tell out my soul


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