This page will be used to share useful links to different resources for people to use th help them to worship at home, We did a few blog posts at the start of lock down which could be used . It has dawned on me that we do not have these links (pluse photo links that have not copied across) anywhere
Methodist Mid Derbyshire Circuit
Our Methodist Circuit
The Methodist Church Nottingham & Derby District
Our Methodist District
The United Reformed Church East Midlands Synod
Our United Reformed District & Synod
United Reformed Church Congleton
Holy Trinity Matlock Bath Church
Our Lady & St Joseph Catholic Church
a project which offers primary school children an opportunity to hear key Bible stories
Fellowship of United Reformed Youth (Ages 11-25)
Methodist Youth & Children
Methodist Youth & Children
Matlock Area Schools Trust
Action for Children
Children's Confidential Assistance
Rotary International Clean Water Project
The Alpha Course
a Christian resources site about Jesus Christ
a Christian charity and one of the UK's leading Christian media ministries
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
Roots on the web
a Christian resources site
A church locator website
Methodist Relief Development Fund
Christian Aid
Willersley Castle
Christian Guild Holidays at Willersley Castle
Cliff College
A Local Methodist Training Centre
Scripture Union
A Bible Resource Website
The Church of England
Our Local Weekly Paper
Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site
Matlock Local Information from Cressbrook Media
A directory and guide to Matlock for residents, visitors and business.
The Andrews Pages
Matlock Methodist & United Reformed Church information
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