Sunday Services

Worship in person and online
Sunday Services at 10:30am are hybrid as they are both live in Church and available live on Zoom.
Everyone is welcome to every service. There's no age limits and there is provision for youngsters and all those of more years than a few.
Variety is the spice of life as each service is a little or sometimes a lot different from the last. The regular weekly services, which usually last about an hour, follow the Methodist preaching plan with a visiting local preacher or minister, each bringing their own style to leading the worship services.
We have a Holy Communion service once a month and a Family Service on the third Sunday of the month.
Once a quarter our services are led by Streams of Worship, these services are intergenerational, interactive and can include drama, dance and there's usually crafting activities for all ages. These services may take place with seating around tables and refreshments might be available throughout.
Another option is available once a month to worship on a Sunday between 4pm and 6pm at Messy Church, which includes a meal and activities, prayer and songs for all to enjoy in a really relaxed atmosphere. More info here
Not everyone feels comfortable or are able to attend the building, therefore we are streaming the weekly morning services through 'zoom' live. See below for more details. An edited recording is uploaded to the website, usually within the same day for those who are unable to attend worship to be able to watch the service.
Services in the building
Our Church Building is OPEN.
The Sunday services start at 10.30am but please arrive no earlier than 10:10am.
Following Government announcements and the return to near normality, the restrictions in the Church risk assessments in connection with the Covid 19 pandemic are no longer required:
Visitors to the building are all able to choose whether to wear a mask and seek to maintain social distancing when in the building.
The reminder signage will remain.
Test & Trace information is no longer collected at the entrances.
Hand sanitation provisions and disposable masks etc. are to remain available for everyone to use on entry/exit.
Ventilation actions will continue when the situation may be crowded.
Congregational singing is allowed and the limits on the numbers of people in a room are now in line with building design limits.
Group meetings and activities in the Community Halls may continue. Groups using the building will need to provide their own risk assessments prior to recommencing activities.
​Please DO NOT attend the Church if:
You feel at all unwell
Within 7 days feel you may have had any COVID19 symptoms
you have a positive test result.
Please also do not feel any pressure to attend, we will be streaming to zoom for the foreseeable future, see below for more info.

Services online
We are providing all our services online in two ways.
You can join us on Zoom at 10.15am for a chat and a catch up before the service is live streamed to your home.
After the service we join in small groups for 10 minutes for more fellowship.
For joining details click here
If you are unable to attend in person all our services are recorded for YouTube and posted later on a Sunday.