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Fellowship Groups

We have many fellowship groups for all ages, ranging from prayer evenings to social groups to worship groups.  If you are interested inr groups for children and young adults click here

Image by Chang Duong
Maybe Group

"Maybe Group meets usually at other venues than the Church and we enjoy a variety of activities including theatre trips, walks, eating out or anything else social.

It is a social fellowship for Church adults to get together and simply enjoy an activity in one another’s company as friends of Christ Jesus.

Events happen every few months responding to opportunities and seasons. There is a looseness that enables spontaneity & mystery.."

Contact Mike Haynes to find out more.

House Groups Zoom

"We are a small group of ladies who meet weekly for fellowship and bible study. We meet on a Monday evening online and after a catch up chat we spend our time on a bible study, usually following on a chosen theme. We are open to using a variety of materials to help us in our bible study from using study books based on specific books in the bible, others on specific themes, videos and reflective material. We end by discussing prayer needs that we then commit to pray for through the coming week.


We are open to new members and have enjoyed some former members returning online who felt unable to continue coming out in an evening when we met in person."

Contact Sue Sunderland to find out more.

Matlock 584841


Image by Alexandra Fuller
The Wesley Guild

The Wesley Guild was initially established by the Methodist Church over 100 years ago and has attracted a wide range of ages from all denominations.


We  meet fortnightly at members homes at 2.30pm on Tuesday afternoons. The programme runs from September to May. The Guild is open to all age groups and to all denominations in the Matlock and Circuit area. It provides spiritual and devotional meetings with fun and friendship with a variety of speakers giving interesting talks as well as other devotional studies. The Guild also supports the Nigerian Health Project which was formed in 1992 to establish health facilities across Nigeria.


Our President is Rev Ann Anderson who usually opens our first meeting with a Holy Communion Service.   A warm welcome always awaits!

Tuesday Bible Study

Tuesday Bible Study takes place at one of the Church members homes from 7:30pm until around 9:00pm on a fortnightly basis on Tuesdays.  There is no pressure to have to contribute to the discussions and no questions are off limits.


We  meet to explore the Bible and consider the Christian faith. The Tuesday bible Stufy group is open to all age groups and provides spiritual and devotional meetings with fun and friendship with a variety of folk of differing views and willingness to debate.


If tou are interested to join in then contact Sheila BIllings or one of the Stewards at Church, or send an e-mail using the link below to find out more..   A warm welcome is guaranteed.

Wednesday Prayer Zoom

We're currently holding weekly prayers 

Wednesday @ 8pm on Zoom. 

Most evenings are led by Rev Helen Penfold and are aimed at  Matlock Mission area Churches. The evenings generally start with led prayer and reflection moving into a time for the participants to pray together about the issues and people on their hearts.

Please contact us for more information. 

Image by Tom Podmore
 Ladies Group

"This group welcomes ladies of all ages and meets usually on the third Monday of the month at 2.00pm in room 2 at church


We  have  speakers, quizzes, films, whist drives, craft demonstrations, meals out, and mystery trips on the Bakewell and Eyam community transport bus."

Contact Mary Paulson for more information  07989159139

Thursday Zoom Coffee Break

"Coffee Break was set up for people to meet for a chat on Zoom during the pandemic as we can’t meet in person. Everyone is welcome to join in for about half an hour’s company on Thursday mornings at 10.30 am. Sometimes we talk a little longer but feel free to leave early if you need to. Please contact me via the website for login details."


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©2025 by Matlock Methodist & United Reformed Church. Created with

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

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