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Children and Youth Groups

We have groups for all ages available for the young people of Matlock and the surrounding area to join. Check out the descriptions below for more information. 

Our Junior Church runs alongside the Church service, the young people learn about the same topic as each other but have activities that are designed to target their age.


Junior Church - Messy Church - Boy's Brigade/Girls Association - Girls Brigade - Parent/Carer and Toddler - Open the Book - Streams of Worship 


Image by Kelli Tungay
Junior Church
When: During Sunday Worship

Age: Children and Young Adults

A short way into the service the children go out to the crèche room for Junior Church which usually includes a Bible story and art or craft, with age appropriate work books to use. Sometimes we have a game or song to help explain the story. There are also toys available for the smaller children. If it is a Communion service the children are taken back into church near the end of the service to join their families for Communion. Otherwise, they meet their parents in the Crush Hall afterwards.

Do you have a creche?

Yes, there is a creche room with plenty of toys and books where it is possible to continue to hear the service, through the installed speaker system and see into the worship room.  This is where the Junior Church takes place.

Children's area

At the back of the Church there is a carpeted area with a box of toys and books, as well as some basic crafting resources for the smallest members of the congregation, along with tables and chairs for parents to use.

Family service

On the third Sunday of the month we have a family service. This service is for everyone therefore Sunday school does not run alongside.

Useful information


There are Church organisation provided for younger people who want to have fun and explore about the Christian faith.

Please click on the links below:

Methodist children and youth

URC children and youth


Safeguarding Policy


The Methodist Church Safeguarding Hub can be reached here where there are contact details for the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire District Safeguarding Officer.

The United Reformed Church Safeguarding page can be reached here where the contact details for the East Midlands Synod Safegurding Officer can be found.

The people of this Church are concerned with the wholeness of each individual within God's purpose.
We seek to safeguard people of all ages and therefore it is the responsibility of each of us to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults especially, from any form of physical, sexual or emotional harm.

Where activities are organised by this Church for children and young people, or vulnerable adults, the organisers must seek to provide a safe environment, suitable for the activities planned. Non Church related groups/organisations who wish to use the Church premises will be advised of the policy statement, which is in line with the Home Office Code of Practice for the "Safeguarding of children & young people in voluntary organisations". The organisers of all such groups will be expected to make every effort to follow the associated guidelines.

A copy of the Policy Statement and Guidelines will be given to such organisations when booking. Further copies are available from the Church Secretary's Office.

All the images of children used on this web site are intentionally anonymous and have been provided with the permission of their parents/guardians.

If you suspect anyone of causing anyone harm or failing to adhere rigidly to the Safeguarding Policy and Required Guidelines you should immediately inform a Church Steward, the Minister or the Superintendent Minister or the District or Synod Safeguarding officers.

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©2025 by Matlock Methodist & United Reformed Church. Created with


Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.


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