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Circuit welcome service


Updated: Aug 27, 2022

Welcome Service with a Difference

Senior circuit steward Ruth Berresford, Rev. Andy Fyall, Rev. Janet Rossall (zoom) Superintendent Reverend Ann Anderson and Deacon, Michaela Doherty. left to right

Mid Derbyshire Circuit gave a very warm welcome to a new Superintendent, a

Minister, and a Deacon.

On Wednesday evening, Belper Methodist Chapel hosted the Welcome Service for

new Superintendent, Reverend Ann Anderson, Minister, Reverend Janet Rossall,

and Deacon, Michaela Doherty.

Whilst Reverend Ann and her husband crossed ‘the border’ from the neighbouring

Border Missions Circuit, Liverpudlian Michaela and her family left her home city for

Mid Derbyshire, Janet and her husband travelling furthest across the seas from


A Welcome Service with a difference as Janet's lengthy move suffered a hiccup and

so she ‘zoomed’ from Ireland, being projected onto a wall. Janet will move in the very

near future.

Reverend Helen Penfold introduced the service, and the new trio were welcomed by

Circuit Steward Ruth Beresford and formally inducted by District Assistant Chair,

Reverend Andy Fyall, who also delivered a stirring but moving message based on

John’s Gospel chapter 21 verses 15 to 19.

The new team members were welcomed personally by people from the wider

ecumenical community along with the Mayors of Amber Valley and Erewash local


Reverend Ann made a short and humorous address, including “As I join Mid

Derbyshire I pray that God will guide us all in our continued ministry to make

new disciples and support our communities.” After which Reverend Stephen

Pratt led prayers of thanksgiving.

The service ended with Reverend Ann’s choice of rousing hymn Let Us Build a

House. Everyone enjoyed a real ‘chapel tea’ of home-made cakes with chance to

catch up with friends across the circuit and beyond.

Reverend Ann will live in the manse at Darley Dale, Reverend Janet in Belper Manse

whilst Deacon Michaela will live and work in the Heanor area. Our dynamic trio join

Reverends Helen and Stephen to make what should be a cracking team working to

deliver God's Kingdom across Mid Derbyshire.

A wonderful evening of song, God’s Word, fellowship and making new friends.

Written by John Stamp

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