At our informal, own arrangement services next year we will be focusing on Our Church’s
Future Story, which is a tool prepared by the Methodist Church to help us in our mission.
Before we start, we are holding a day of prayer for our church and for those who come to
events and services throughout the Christmas period.
Pray at home for a 30 minute period on
Tuesday 6th December between 9am and 9pm. It doesn’t matter if several people choose
the same time slot but it would be good if we could fill the whole day with prayer!
Please pray for our church and our local community, including those who attend our
groups and services over the Christmas period. As you pray you might like to consider the
following questions:
Where do you see the Holy Spirit at work through our church?
Where do you see the Holy Spirit at work in our community?
What is God saying to you through our circumstances?
What words or impressions did God bring to your mind throughout your
prayer time?
What do you think God might be saying to our church?