You may like to pick one suggestion each week or try to complete them all it’s completely up to you we just encourage you to ACT.
4th-9th April - Serve (Love) The World
-Use no hot running water today either from your taps or shower - approximately 15% of the world’s population is without running water - let alone heated water.
-Go without using the internet today - 93% of the world’s population has no internet access.
-Survive the day by using no more than 4 litres of water to wash, eat and drink - People in rich countries use 10 times more water than those in poor countries.
-Do not put the light on when it gets dark tonight - approximately 76% of the world’s population has no electric lighting in their homes.
-Sew some reusable sanitary towels for women in the third world
- Wear second-hand clothes for a weekend after visiting a charity shop.
Download the file for the whole of lent below or watch out for our weekly blog posts

“The Queen has served her country and Commonwealth for 70 years. To honour her, let’s join together in 70 Acts of Service during 2022. We’ve loads of ideas to help you to get your village, town or city involved.”
We’ve grouped together suggestions of ways to serve for each week in lent from the Platinum Jubilee Website
Perhaps during Lent we can make a dint into the suggested 70 acts of service before the Jubilee in June!
Mission and Outreach Team