You may like to pick one suggestion each week or try to complete them all it’s completely up to you we just encourage you to ACT.
7th-12th March – Serve (Love) your community
-Find out how you can volunteer for a local cause you love. Too shy? Volunteer with a friend.
- Strike up a conversation with someone you don’t know at the bus stop or in a café maybe.
-Ask others what they think your gifts are, and how you could use them to bring life in and through your community, then act on what they tell you. While you’re at it, encourage others to use their gifts too!
- Make a care package for someone in need – a rough sleeper you often pass, or someone you know in your community who could really do with some essentials.
- In a queue? Buy the next person in line a coffee/sandwich/pint along with your order. Or pay for a bus ticket for the person behind you.
-There are plenty of small ways to put others first. Perhaps hold the door open for more people than necessary. Give up your seat on public transport. Let someone else go ahead of you in the queue. Let someone else choose the TV channel.
Download the file for the whole of lent below or watch out for our weekly blog posts
“The Queen has served her country and Commonwealth for 70 years. To honour her, let’s join together in 70 Acts of Service during 2022. We’ve loads of ideas to help you to get your village, town or city involved.”
We’ve grouped together suggestions of ways to serve for each week in lent from the Platinum Jubilee Website
Perhaps during Lent we can make a dint into the suggested 70 acts of service before the Jubilee in June!
Mission and Outreach Team