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Matlock Crooked Spire


On Tuesday 1st March there will be an inspection of the Church spire by specialist contractors using a mobile access platform that will be sited on Oak Road adjacent to the tower and the former entrance porch of the Church.

Neighbours and nearby houses have been informed and all the necessary permissions and licences obtained to allow the emergency inspection to take place under a temporary road closure of part of Oak Road.

Prayers of thanks are being said that everyone is safe and prayers of hope are for the safe inspection and the early re-opening of the Church and Community Halls.

Following the report from the inspection, the possibility to stabilise the spire, to ensure that it is safe for the Church and Community Halls to re-open, will be looked into and then this work would be planned and carried out as soon as it can be achieved. It is likely that further work would then be necessary to the tower and spire under a separate major work plan.

Thank you to all those who have helped to enable the early inspection of the spire and particular thanks to everyone who uses the Church and Community Halls for their work in re-arranging their activities and events, with very little, if any, advance warning. As soon as the Church and Community Halls can be safely re-opened, things will be able to return to normal and the objective is to make this happen as soon as possible, with God's help.

Please continue to pray for the spire and also for all others who have been affected by the storms and floods, that they may be blessed with an early and smooth return to normal. Pray also that the flood protection of Matlock is addressed to prevent recurrence of such devastating occurrences.

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