Join this popular online FUNdraising quiz which is free to enter with the opportunity to support charities and the church (only if you are able to). Teams of up to four people compete in six rounds of questions and there's loads of variety in the quizzes.

Quiz #24 donations are to help raise funds to be shared between Fund for Human Need and the Church and Community Halls.
Using Zoom breakout rooms, teams are able to join together to choose their answers, no matter where they are in the world. Families, friends and colleagues, can all form teams from their own homes or wherever they are and spend some time together having fun.
The quiz starts at 7:30pm with the zoom available from 7:00pm to get everyone organised into their teams and check the breakout rooms. There is always a break between rounds 3 and 4 to freshen your drinks and gather more refreshments for the second half. The quiz usually ends around 9:30pm.
Full instructions including how to make online donations are provided here:
Online donations can be made here: