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Sunday Worship 8th May 2022 @10:30am

Updated: May 8, 2022

Rev. Moses Agyam will be leading worship and communion supported by Stewards Penny Brown and Yvonne Brant. It is hoped that you will be able to attend the service either in person or online. It would be great to see and meet you either way.

The order of service is provided below and to join in with the service it will be helpful to have this available as there are several responses for everyone to say together. There is also a hymn to sing which is not found in the church hymn books, both the words and the tune are provided in the order of service.

During the online zoom of the service, the order of service will be provided as a screen share. Details of how to join the zoom are available below. The service will be recorded and then an edited version will be posted on the website later on Sunday.

The Church video camera has been fixed and the service will be available in full colour.

Psalm 23: John August Swanson 2010

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