Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
The recent temporary closure of the Church and Community Halls is over and we are able to resume our normal activities, events and services. The inspections of the spire have concluded that whilst there is some maintenance work to be done, the spire is not in a dangerous condition following the February storms.
This Saturday morning will see the building being cleaned, prepared and spruced up for the Worship Service on Sunday @10:30am which will be led by Rev. Tony Wells with Stewards Penny Brown and Julie Dumelow. As usual the service will be available to watch online through zoom as well as attending in person.
The following Saturday 9th April we will be celebrating the re-opening of the Church and Community Halls with a coffee morning 10:00 - 12:00 to which everyone who uses the building as well as, neighbours and anyone passing by, are invited. There will be cakes and hot & cold drinks available. While joining together there will be the opportunity to make cash donations in aid of the Ukraine and in aid of the repair works to the Spire.