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Video of Advent Service - Sunday 3rd Dec. 10:30am

This Sunday's first week of Advent service was led by Worship Leader Roanna Pilsbury together with Rev. Tony Wells. Rev. Adrian Smith was unable to be with us. The service followed the Out of the Ordinary resources provided by the Methodist Church. The edited video of the service is available below, together with the order of service and links to videos of the hymns that were sung. There are also links to support for those in need and to enable offertory to be made for those wishing tom do so.

Photo by Myriams-Fotos on Pixabay

Instructions to enable joining services live online from anywhere in the world with an internet connection and a suitable device are provided below.

If you need prayer or support, information is available here:

If you are able to help support the Church with an offering, you can do that here:

Here is a link to the Methodist Church video of 'Be Born'

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