On Sunday 21st August a prayer labyrinth is being provided in place of the weekly Worship Service. The labyrinth will be open to visit twice during the day. The building and labyrinth are fully accessible for all. During the morning session only, the prayer labyrinth will also be accessible on zoom using the usual weekly zoom log in details that are provided here below.
The physical route through the labyrinth is simply following a footprint path and involves visiting prayer stations that are located around the Church Worship Room, all done at your own pace. Each prayer station has instructions and guidance to help everyone with taking a journey with God around the labyrinth.
The Church will be open from 10:30am to midday and 4:00pm - 5:30pm. Refreshments will be available and everyone is welcome There will be Labyrinth Stewards to help anyone in need of further guidance or support through the labyrinth.

Image by Arek Socha on Pixabay